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Each of the organisations listed below have their own rules about how to apply and who can be considered for funding. Please ensure you read their guidance for more information.

Cavell logo


Cavell provides grants, advice and a listening ear to nurses, midwives, nursing associates and maternity support workers looking to take charge of their finances and feel more in control. In partnership with The Burdett Trust for Nursing, Cavell have created the Domestic Abuse Fund for nurses and midwives is here to support survivors of domestic abuse who are experiencing financial crisis or hardship as a result. 

Citizens Advice Logo

Domestic Abuse

Citizens Advice has a comprehensive list of organisations available to help you. Please use this link to find the support you need. The government have recently announced a new £2 million fund which will provide one-off payments to victims to help them leave their tormenters. Find out more here.

Furniture graphic


Freecycle is a free-to-use non-profit platform where people give away unwanted items for free. Your local council may also be able to help you get hold of items of furniture as well as helping with other issues, such as debt advice, food and fuel poverty. This is known as the Local Welfare Assistance Scheme (but is called the Discretionary Assistance Fund if you live in Wales).

Map of the UK

Local Hardship Support

In every area there is some form of support for residents experiencing financial hardship. The name and type of assistance varies. Visit here to search for your local area to find what’s available in your area and how to apply.
Olio logo


Olio is an app for giving or receiving free food. Food can be donated by individuals or by shops, restaurants and cafes. Search 'Olio' on your phone app store to download. 
Shelter logo


Home is a human right. It's our foundation and it's where we thrive. Yet, everyday millions of people are being devastated by the housing emergency. Shelter exist to defend the right to a safe home. Because home is everything.
The Trussell Trust Logo

The Trussell Trust

The Trussell Trust supports a nationwide network of over 1,300 food banks which provide a minimum of three days’ nutritionally-balanced emergency food to people who have been referred in crisis. To access a food bank you need to be referred by one of the food bank’s local referral partners which include health workers, charities, social workers and advice centres. You can find details of your nearest Trussell Trust food bank here. 

Turn2Us logo


Turn2us is a national charity providing practical help to people who are struggling financially. Use the Turn2us Grants Search to find out if you may be eligible to apply for other grants matched to your circumstances anonymously.

Young Planet logo


YoungPlanet is an app for free second hand children's items including clothes and toys. Search 'Young Planet' on your phone app store to donwload.

The below are a list of additional charities and services that can provide financial support and guidance:

  • The Nurses Memorial are a charitable trust, providing support to nurses in Scotland through hardship grants and education grants
  • The Queen's Institute of Community Nursing will consider applications from registered nurses in financial need, who work or have worked in the community for a minimum of three years
  • The 1930 Fund for District Nurses support is considered for registered nurses who have worked as a community, district or school nurse, health visitor, community midwife or community psychiatric nurse
  • Junius S. Morgan Benevolent Fund considers applications from nurses or former nurses who have practiced for five years or more post-registration, or NMC registered nursing associates who have practiced for over two years post-registration
  • The Care Workers Charity offers grants and wellbeing and psychological services for people who have worked in registered care or supported living
  • Headway - the brain injury association is a charity set up to give help and support to people affected by brain injury.

Some items and adaptations can be funded by your local council through Disabled Facilities Grants or the occupational therapy service. Call your local council or visit their website to request an assessment.

If you’re affected by ill health or disability, and working or planning to work, you may be eligible for funding to help you to do your job, from the government's Access to Work Scheme.

Help with energy bills – applications to the British Gas Energy Trust are welcomed from families and individuals in need, suffering or other distress living within England, Scotland and Wales. You do not need to be a customer of British/Scottish Gas.

If you are having difficulty paying for gas or electricity visit the Ofgem guide which has details of grants, tips for dealing with energy companies, and advice lines for more support.

Help with water bills – water suppliers run schemes to cap water bills for certain households who have a low income. Many water companies also run charitable funds which can clear water bills in exceptional circumstances. Contact your water supplier or check their web page for more information.

The Down To Earth project by Quaker Social Action supports you to arrange an affordable and meaningful funeral. They can do this face-to-face, over the phone or by email. Down to Earth also support with debt after a funeral takes place.

Funeral payments are available from the government in limited circumstances. Turn2Us have a guide about this.

Bereavement Support Payments are also available here to surviving spouses in some circumstances.

The RCN Foundation has teamed up with the free, confidential financial advice service, PayPlan. Working in healthcare, you won’t necessarily work a normal ‘9–5’. PayPlan respect your schedule and will talk to you at a time and in the way that’s best for you.

Calls are free from mobiles and landlines to Citizens Advice national helplines:

  • Adviceline England: 0800 144 8848
  • Adviceline Wales: 0800 702 2020
  • Advice for Scotland: 0800 028 1456
  • Advice for Northern Ireland: 0800 915 4604

For help or advice about claiming Universal Credit contact the Help to Claim Service. They can guide you through the claim and discuss with you if you’d be eligible for an ‘Advance Payment’ if you need money quickly during the early stage of your claim.

  • Help to Claim England: 0800 144 8 444
  • Help to Claim Scotland: 0800 023 2581
  • Help to Claim Wales: 0800 0241 220
  • Universal Credit service centre Northern Ireland: 0800 012 1331


Signposting support

Signposting Hub

A directory of help available to you, ranging from counselling to gambling support

Financial support

Financial wellbeing and management

Our debt advice partners, PayPlan, share their advice on how to manage and clear debt

Emotional support

Emotional wellbeing and mental health support

1 in 4 people have mental health problems, but most don’t get the help we need. We've put together a list of organisations there to help whenever you might need

Career support

Career and job-seeking support

Whether you're looking for careers information, or advice and guidance following being dismissed, support is available

Long term support

Long-term condition and disability support

Networks, guidance and financial support for those with lived experience of disability and/or long-term condition

Mature student working in library

Frequently Asked Questions

Hardship grants