Encouraging COVID-19 Vaccinations
The RCN Foundation funds study to boost uptake of COVID-19 vaccinations for people with learning/ intellectual disabilities
The RCN recommends using an updated browser such as Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome
The RCN Foundation funds study to boost uptake of COVID-19 vaccinations for people with learning/ intellectual disabilities
The RCN Foundation awards a grant to QNI for a three-year project to support the National Care Home Nurses’ Network (NCHNN)
RCN Foundation funds free downloadable resource designed to support people with learning disabilities communication difficulties to understand COVID-19
The Foundation awarded the RCN £130,000 to fund the Celebrating Nursing Practice project.
UCLPartners received an RCN Foundation grant to test the ReSPECT process in three London care homes.
Intergenerational befriending can combat social isolation and loneliness.
The RCN Foundation was delighted to fund FoNS to develop a video animation ‘a practical guide to revalidation for nurses working in social care’.
A Queen Margaret University practice development initiative.
A grant was awarded to support participants from across the developing world to attend an educational summit in London in October 2012
A research and consultation project focusing on patient care and professional development for care home nursing staff.
The RCN Foundation awarded the RCN a grant to develop resources, including webpages, booklets and a DVD supporting the development of dementia care guidelines.
The RCN Foundation funded a grant of £16,000 towards the Who Cares? programme that encourages schools to better support children in families in which a parent has a mental illness.
An RCN Foundation £3,000 grant to the Royal College of Nursing paid for a film and an educational resource about lessons learnt from Josh and his adoptive family’s story
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