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Through our education grants, we support individual members of the nursing team who wish to enhance their skills and develop their practice for the benefit of patient care.

The RCN Foundation Next Generation Scholarship offers young people aged 18-25 up to £2,500 a year to support them as they study a nursing degree. By providing targeted financial support to those most in need, we are removing financial barriers to education, improving healthcare and breaking the cycle of poverty. 

Since its launch in 2019, we have awarded 27 scholarships, totalling £113,000.


The UK is experiencing an education and healthcare crisis and we are facing the frightening prospect of a national health service without enough nurses. The NHS Long Term Workforce Plan demands a significant increase in nursing training places to meet future targets. Despite the reintroduction of the nursing bursary, young people from disadvantaged areas still face significant financial obstacles in pursuing nursing education, leading to ongoing inequality. Failure to address healthcare challenges will worsen the healthcare system, particularly affecting low-income, unemployed, and educationally limited areas in the UK with already significantly decreased life expectancy.

Be the difference

Our investment in the profession, and in particular the RCN Foundation Next Generation Scholarship, helps ensure young people seeking a career in nursing are provided with opportunities and given the financial support to fulfil their potential, empowering them to become the next generation of nursing professionals. 

By making a donation on behalf of your organisation, you will make a difference - not only to your customers and employees but also to the communities where they live and ultimately, the care that they receive. 

Your valued donation will help us create the next generation of nursing professionals across the UK. It will improve the nation's health and wellbeing and ensure there are enough nurses to care for us.

     Into Nursing donation

Any size donation is welcome and will support nurses, midwives, and healthcare support workers further their education and professional development.

Partner with us and help create the next generation of nurses. 

 Partner with us