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Nurses, midwives and healthcare support workers across the UK are at the forefront of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

With hospitals under unprecedented strain, health workers face higher risks of infection whilst coping with a reduced workforce and limited resources.

That’s why the RCN Foundation has dedicated projects designed to meet the emerging needs of nursing and midwifery workers as they respond to the pandemic.

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RCN Foundation hosts reception to celebrate the impact of their subsidiary charity, CHSA

The reception, hosted at the House of Lords, recognised the impact of TikTok’s generous donation alongside the RCN Foundation’s role in setting up CHSA.

Purple All Stars Carevis event

Resources to help people with learning disabilities understand the benefits of vaccinations

The RCN Foundation, NHS England, and charity Beyond Words, have developed illustrated resources designed to meet the needs of people with learning disabilities.

Has the pandemic changed leadership in nursing?

Dr Sarah McGloin reflects on a panel discussion about leadership within nursing during the height of the pandemic.

Nurse comforting elderly patient

Psychological first aid for care home nurses

Helping care home nurses cope with the trauma of COVID-19.

A nurse in PPE tends to a patient

Healthy leadership in nursing during COVID-19

The RCN Foundation is funding Queen Margaret University research into nurses’ and midwives’ experience of leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic.


RCN Foundation funds iHV programme

The RCN Foundation has awarded a grant to the Institute of Health Visiting (iHV) to develop a programme to promote emotional wellbeing at work for small groups of health visitors (HV) working in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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COVID-19 Support Fund Impact Stories

Read about how we are supporting frontline health care staff through our COVID-19 Support Fund Grants

Community nurse home patient

Encouraging COVID-19 Vaccinations

The RCN Foundation funds study to boost uptake of COVID-19 vaccinations for people with learning/ intellectual disabilities

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Mental health and wellbeing repository

If you are a frontline health care staff struggling with your mental health and wellbeing, here is a list of organisations that can help.

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RCN Foundation COVID-19 Response

Read about how we are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and helping the nursing and midwifery community through our hardship grants, mental health and wellbeing support, funding calls, projects and publications. 

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Ways we can help during COVID-19

Ways we can help nurses, midwives and nursing support workers during this difficult and unprecedented time.

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RCN Foundation COVID-19 Support Fund

The nursing community is facing significant challenges, not only in continuing to provide excellent patient care on the frontline, but potentially facing personal hardship and the significant psychological implications of the crisis.