ShinyMind is an evidence-based, proven mental health and wellbeing app, co-created with the NHS.
We have partnered with ShinyMind who have provided 500 free app licences which are available to nurses, midwives, midwifery care assistants and healthcare support workers working in England in a non-NHS setting including social care. Learn more about our partnership here.
If you are working in England in a non-NHS setting, including social care, as a nurse, midwife, midwifery care assistant or healthcare support workers, and would like access to the ShinyMind app, please complete the below form:
Are you employed by the NHS?
All NHS nurses, midwifes, midwifery care assistants or healthcare support workers in England can sign up to access ShinyMind for free using this QR code:
Having issues with the app? Check out the frequently asked questions:
The link will also not work if opened on a desktop browser, it needs to be opened on a mobile device with ShinyMind already downloaded.
Now that you have downloaded ShinyMind, please go back to your welcome email from and click the link in Step 2 to finish setting up your account.
The link will open ShinyMind to confirm your email address and then you will be asked to set your password.
First, ask them to check their Junk and Other mailboxes to see if the welcome email from has landed there.
If it hasn’t, please contact and they can resend the Welcome email.