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Funding call to develop a co-designed tool to assist people with a learning disability

Applications are now closed

The RCN Foundation seeks an individual or organisation to undertake a quality improvement project to develop a co-designed tool which will assist people with lived experience of a learning disability to access urgent and emergency care in times of ill health.

This would be based upon an analysis of the experiences of those accessing services, learning from these and drawing upon their suggestions to enhance access. The project should also look to explore the impact of the RNLD within these services, on health inequality and health related outcomes for individuals with lived experience of a learning disability.


The RCN Foundation’s Inclusive Health - Enhancing the lives of individuals with learning disabilities programme provides grants to support research and education, to address health inequalities and improve health related quality of life outcomes for individuals with lived experience of a learning disability.

In 2019, we funded a scoping review by University of West London into understanding the impact that nurses can have on improving the health and well-being of children, adults, and older people with learning disabilities.

The role of the RNLD is widely respected amongst the nursing profession, however there is very limited knowledge and understanding of the impact of learning disability nursing on health-related outcomes and reducing health inequalities for those with an LD. A scoping exercise identified the need for individuals with lived experience of a learning disability, to gain easier access to urgent and emergency care, through traditional routes such as NHS 111 and NHS24.

Funding call

The RCN Foundation is now seeking to fund a project that seeks to co-design an evidence-based tool to assist people with lived experience of a learning disability to access urgent and emergency care effectively and efficiently in times of ill health. The proposal should consider, the current evidence base explaining how individuals with lived experience of a learning disability experience accessing acute and urgent care. The main focus of the project will be a co-designed tool to support individuals with lived experience of a learning disability to access urgent and emergency care effectively and efficiently in times of ill health. The project should explain how it will develop a national awareness of the tool and facilitate its roll out for use across the UK.

The lived experience of individuals with an LD must be central to the project and the design of the tool, with their voice be present throughout the development. In addition, the proposal should include perspectives from all four countries of the UK and the project should also include consultation with nursing and midwifery staff caring for individuals with a learning disability working across health and social care.

The RCN Foundation is now seeking applications to deliver a project over a 12-month period. The funding available is up to the value of £30,000.


Applications are now closed.