Since 2010, we’ve awarded £2,784,000 million in education grants to 1,761 individuals. Of these, 66 individuals have received an RCN Foundation Impact Award for their outstanding contribution to patient care.
We’ve partnered with the likes of Deliveroo and LV=. We’ve developed, funded and delivered the UK’s first Postgraduate Certificate in Neurological Rehabilitation and Care at the University of Edinburgh. Created in 2019, the RCN Foundation Into Nursing Grant has provided funding to 29 individuals, supporting them through their nursing degrees, helping to create the next generation of nurses.
2025 and beyond
In line with with our strategy, by 2028 we will increase the number of grants for education and learning opportunities by 35%. We will continue to deliver grants that address inequality and discrimination whilst also increasing support available to individuals to improve the quality of their applications. We will also review the barriers to accessing grants for some groups and setting out measures to address these barriers.
Our education grants show our commitment to invest in the future of nursing and midwifery so that professionals can have a longer lasting impact on patient care.
Thomas, a mental health nurse at Belfast Trust, was awarded an education grant towards a post graduate study in investigating the complexity of trauma. When Thomas applied for an education grant, he was working as a healthcare assistant and completing his final year of nursing studies. He undertook a PG Diploma in Trauma Studies, enabling him to provide better quality care in an area he is passionate about, so that he can help others in their time of need and crisis. Completing the course has increased his desire to study trauma and mental health even further.
Ffion is a Maternity Assistant Practitioner working with the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, at Ysbyty Ystrad Fawr Way Hospital in Wales. During her experiences working in a standalone birth centre, Ffion has witnessed first-hand the issues created by short staffing in maternity units, creating a desire to pursue further training. She was awarded a grant towards an aqua natal course to learn how to teach safe and effective classes.
Through an interest in fitness and a desire to improving healthcare opportunities and outcomes for women in Wales, Ffion identified aqua natal as a way to implement healthier lives using a holistic approach. The opportunity to develop professionally has been important for Ffion, as she’s “always wanted to be able to teach and never had the confidence to do it, but this has pushed me to be my best.”
Stephanie has been a Neonatal Nursery Nurse for over 35 years and knew she always wanted to work with babies. Stephanie was eager to develop her practise but struggled to obtain funding within the NHS to undertake the course. Receiving an RCN Foundation education grant allowed Stephanie to complete the course, learning new ways to care for pre-term babies, giving them the best healthy start.
She has adapted her practice and shared her new skills with colleagues, even encouraging other members of the team to go on the course. On the impact of the grant, Stephanie said “I now feel more empowered to do certain things and pass on my knowledge. I've come back totally inspired - I have to do more!”
Bronwyn, an Occupational Health Nurse in Scotland, has worked in occupational health for many years and dreamt of an opportunity to be able to complete the occupational health course and become a specialised practitioner. This dream became a reality thanks to the RCN Foundation education grant.
The course allowed Bronwyn to expand on her research skills, having a great impact on her role and work. Bronwyn felt the course made her a better nurse by being more reflective, being able to accurately research best evidence-based information and actively promoting positive physical and mental health.
Beth is a Specialist Midwife for Monogenic Diabetes and completed a prescribing module at the University of Surrey. Prior to starting the course, she was working as an integrated midwife, working in both community and hospital settings. Receiving the education grant allowed Beth to undertake an Independent/Supplementary Prescribing Module Course, enabling her to become a specialist midwife for diabetes.
In becoming an independent prescriber, Beth can give a more comprehensive level of service to pregnant women with gestational and pre-existing diabetes, preventing delay obtaining medication when doctors are unavailable. She has found that she can also give a more holistic level of service. Beth has described the grant as “the catalysis to further my career and has inspired me to hopefully complete a masters in the future."